New Website for NHS ODN to collate resources for clinical staff
The North West Paediatric Critical Care, Surgery in Children, Long Term Ventilation Operational Delivery Network (NW PCC SiC LTV ODN) aims to provide impartial clinical advice and expertise to all providers and commissioners across the North West of England (Cheshire and Mersey, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria), North Wales and the Isle of Man.
The Brief
To build a professional website to collate information for 3 operational delivery networks across the North West. The information needed to be well structured and easy to access, categorised by ODN. In addition, the website needed to be managed by NSH staff going forward to it was essential that the upload of documents, resources, news and staff was facilitated in an easy way.
The Work
PepperStreet decided to build the website using DIVI theme. The theme comes with a easy to use front end builder allowing the NHS staff to edit and add content easily through a WYSIWYG editor. We integrated several premium plugins including Barn2 Document Library to manage the upload and categorisation of documents. We uses an Event plugin to allow the team to upload and manage events on the website in all 3 ODNs. The team were uploaded and allocated to their respective area of expertise.
What was important was that the build was robust and future proof. The usability of the site was important as it is aimed at professional clinical staff. We needed to seperate the 3 ODNs easily which we did with the use of colour, whilst also maintaining a global element to the structure. The colours came from the logo but also we were aware that the site was for the Children’s operational development network and we wanted that reflected in the design.