WordPress Membership Website and Video Library

OnliveVFR – View in the portfolio
PepperStreet has just launched a new website for OnlineVFR. James is a pilot and a TV cameraman who has worked all around the world with TV film crews. He combined a love of flying with his skills behind the camera to create 155 short videos for instructing pilots. OnliveVFR is a resource where pilots can access those videos and get access to valuable information helping with piloting.
We were given a 2-pronged brief. To create a functional and highly usable video library where pilots could search, filter and access the correct video content. In additon, the videos themselves needed to be behind a paywall. Users could browse the content and see the extent of the videos but would need a membership plan to view the actual content.
The videos were hosted on vimeo and those resources were set to be private and accessibly only when played via a specific URL. This prevented public access to the content. PepperStreet chose a small lightweight but highly effective plugin called All-in-one Video Gallery but the plugin developer 360 Plugins. At $50 a year it’s a really powerful plugin for the price point and the support was phenomenal, quick and effective. I rate this plugin as one of the best I have used.
All in one Video Gallery
WordPress Video Gallery / Library Plugin
The plugin adds a new ‘Video’ taxonomy to the website. It allows easy up load of videos with title, description, video source (external or self hosted) length, categorisation, tags. You can add a thumbnail for the video manually or set automatic thumbnail generation from the video, and also specify chapter points.
The plugin then uses shortcodes to pull in a category grid https://onlinevfr.co.uk/video-library/ or a list of specific videos – https://onlinevfr.co.uk/video-category/navigation/ These then link to a video details page where a user can get full information and watch the video.
In addition, there is a very robust search and filter system for the video library allowing users to select a category or enter a keyword which would search the description field. San at 360 Plugins also wrote us some bespoke code to allow the keyword to search all the tags we had entered too, but you could have a specific tag filter without the need for bespoke coding.
Finally we must mention the playlist function. The plugin allows users to upload video content fromt he front end if required, we didn’t need this function but we did enable the playlist function that allows users to add videos to multiple playlists or favourite list so they can easily find content for a return visit. There is a related video function which is a good addition but is run by an algorithum so you can’t specify which videos related to each other but still a handy tool.
I can’t recommend this plugin enough, I looked at alternatives which were either lacking in functionality or 3 to 4 times the price of this plugin. We stretched the plugin to it’s limits and it held up and when we needed it to do more the cost of bespoke development wasn’t ridiculous. I wouldn’t look any further than this if you want to build a video library.
Paid Membership Pro
WordPress Memebership Plugin
We struggled with the sheer volume of WordPress Membership Plugins. The differing functionality and price points seemed overwhelming to say the least. So we started by opting for a cheaper Ultimate Membership Pro plugin. The price point of $60 was appealing and we felt the website didn’t need the advanced multi level memberships a lot of the more expensive plugins offered. We just needed a simple single level lifetime membership. That said we found that the plugin simply struggled to deliver a robust solution. Whilst the functionality worked we found plugin conflicts and emails weren’t being sent, in particular we found that the payment gateway was flakey and on testing had multiple issues. The support was poor and left us with no alternative but to change to a different plugin.
PepperStreet settled on Paid Membership Pro and the difference was noticable immediately. Paid Membership Pro has a free version which is good for testing but we opted for the more advanced Plus option. It’s expensive but we got a deal for $197 / year. The plugin integrated seemlessly into the site and all the basic functions were set up automatically. We integrated PayPal with no issues.
What we liked
- You can set up multiple membership levels, see below for all the different types
- You can restrict access to content based on the membership level
- Set a price for the level
- Set custom fields for the checkout for levels allowing you to gather bespoke information such as age, or pilot license
- You can add discount coupons
- You can customise the content of the emails indivudally and set up HTML emails
- There are a myriad of add-ons to allow additional functionality such as 2FA, donations, gift aid and loads more
- You can set a trial membership and the either manual or automatic upgrade to a paid membership level
- We use DIVI theme and it has good integration
The final piece of the puzzle for use was the locker system that allowed us to lock specific content on a page by membership level. What this meant is that in our video template all users can see the description and categories but we have locked the row that contains the video so that only logged in users with the correct membership level can access this content. Those without access are redirected to the login or register page.
There is a good raft of clear online documentation and we found the support responsive and accurate.
We certainly aren’t using the plugin to it’s full potential but we needed a robust solution which this is. There are plenty more features which are available including content dripping, affiliates and member directories. The downside is the cost of the plugin for a small business it’s a big investment but on balance it’s a decent plugin and as we found out to our cost you get what you pay for in the end.